PROfessional Structural Analysis Program

DESIGNS reinforced concrete, steel, unreinforced and reinforced masonry, timber, XLAM, semi-prefabricated beams, large lightly reinforced walls, reinforcements for existing structures (including FRP for masonry and concrete structures).
CHECKS also existing buildings, insulators, soil-structure interaction, fire resistance.
APPLIES Italian regulations, Eurocodes.
MANAGES elasto-plastic elements, geometric non-linearity, equilibrium stability, construction phases, pushover analysis, dampers.
DRAWS reinforced concrete, steel structures and timber joints.
GENERATES calculation report, geotechnical report, maintenance plans.
DETAILS floors, stairs, roofs, elevator cores, masonry hoops
BIM tecnology inside
There are two different versions of PRO_SAP:
PROFESSIONAL: no limits in number of nodes.
LT: has the same functions of PROFESSIONAL version with a limit of a 500 nodes.
FREE VERSIONS are also available for who doesn’t own a license to test the program.
2S.I. in collaboration with University of Ferrara and CM2 – Computing Objects SARL, spin-off of the École Centrale Paris developed the latest generation e_SAP solver. Civil engineering specific functions, such as second order analysis effects and buckling analysis are immediately applicable. Non-linear step analysis ( load history ), large displacements analysis (cables, membranes, tensile structures,…) and dumper analysis, are some of the tools available to refine the structural design.
PRO SAP Professional SAP meets the requirements of every designer: PRO_SAP modules might be purchased individually for maximum customization.
Other programs
Other programs allows to design retaining walls, perform slope stability analysis, local interventions on industrial buildings with precast concrete structure, and R.C. cross sections verification and fire bearing capacity.
PRO_SAP STONE is a modulus of FEM software PRO_SAP which allows to check the safety of marble panels and to design anchoring systems of these elements to structural elements.
PRO_SAP’s modules could be purchased individually to allows the maximum customization of the program, however PRO_SAP Professional SAP is available in two different and favourable application packages:
Standard edition: includes base module and optional 1 to 5. Enables design, verification, reports generation and drawings of reinforced concrete and steel buildings.
Advanced edition: includes the base module and the optional 1 to 10 and enables the design, verification, calculations and drawings with all the technologies operated by PRO_SAP.